Some of our services

POPI Compliance Documentation Toolkit

As fast as it gets, with support and guidelines. We can take the stress out of compliance

POPI Compliance Advisory Services

Compliance requires proactive data management and protection. Let us advise you.

POPI Information Officer as a Service

Outsourcing of your IO functions for expert advice, guidance and the compliance demands of POPI.

POPI Staff Awareness Training

The most important elements of your POPI compliance journey will be training you biggest assets, your staff.

Your COVID-19 Resources hub

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen communities and businesses across the world face an unprecedented situation and be called upon to adapt and tackle new challenges.

This dedicated hub is regularly updated to ensure members are equipped to navigate the serious long-term economic and business impacts from this pandemic, including the latest updates on available government packages, guides for your practice or business and support to maintain your mental health and wellbeing.

The hallmark of our designation is that our members not only support each other to uphold high standards of ethics and service, but also their clients and communities in which they live and work. Assent Compliance will be with you every step of the way to ensure you are ready to make a difference throughout the crisis and importantly during recovery

If you are interested or want a personal consultation, why not drop us a mail and we'll get back to you?

We provide a free consultation and can give you a range of offerings that can possibly meet your needs. If you have a problem, or want to avoid a problem, we’re your solution.

How we can help

• Opinions respecting legislation, policy and legislative developments, etc.
• Advising with respect to new ventures in health care
• Regulatory advice
• Medical Scheme billing issues (for practices and patients)
• Contracts and Agreements
• Hiring, employment contracts, termination issues and other employment issues from a health regulatory perspective
• Compliance with HPCSA guidelines and professional standards
• Assistance of staff/members with professional legal issues
• Preparation of practice forms and templates
• Preparation of office policies and protocols
• Preparation of Policy and Procedure Manuals
• Preparation of Toolkits, Model Policies, and Education Materials
• Preparation for Audits and Inspections
• Human Rights complaints

• Assistance with Complaints
• Policy Development and Review
• Privacy Impact Assessments and POPI Audits
• Management of Privacy Breaches
• Training on privacy policies and breach management

• Medical Scheme Payment Disputes
• Responding to inquiries from Medical Scheme companies and regulators

• Training of Professional and Support Staff
• Information Officer training for privacy compliance

• Employment Disputes
• Disciplinary hearings

• Advice and assistance with the laws respecting delivery of healthcare
• Advice regarding charging patients directly for uninsured services
• Advice regarding advertising of healthcare services
• Advice regarding arrangements among healthcare providers and businesses
• Assistance with submissions to Government