Why a POPIA Compliance Framework Documentation Toolkit (R 3,350.00 + 15% VAT)
Your complete toolkit for compliance with the POPI Act
- POPIA leaves much to interpretation.
- Regulation 4(1) of the Regulations in terms of the POPI Act stipulates that an Information Officer must ensure that –
(a) a compliance framework is developed, implemented, monitored and maintained;
(b) a personal information impact assessment is done to ensure that adequate measures and standards exist in order to comply with the conditions for the lawful processing of personal information;
(c) a manual is developed, monitored, maintained and made available as prescribed in sections 14 and 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000);
(d) internal measures are developed together with adequate systems to process requests for information or access thereto; and
(e) internal awareness sessions are conducted regarding the provisions of the Act, regulations made in terms of the Act, codes of conduct, or information obtained from the Regulator.
- It is also important to take note ofSection 109(3) of POPIA which stipulates that when determining an appropriate fine (in the case of a complaint or databreach), the Regulator must consider certainfactors, including “any failure to carry out a risk assessment or a failure to operate good policies, procedures and practices to protect personal information:.
- Compliant with – POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act).
- Number of documents – 89
- Format – Microsoft Word and PDF
- Optimized for – Small and medium-sized organisations.
- Documentation is fully editable – You can adapt any document by entering specific information for your organisation.
- Delivery – Download from Dropbox
- Project kick-off – initial meeting (on request) with an expert to help you start your project.
- Implementation support – plus expert support throughout your project.
- Document review – expert review. on request, of your completed documents.
- Toolkits – toolkit guides you through the implementation.
- Email support.
- Carefully prepared for full compliance.
The Toolkit documents are organised to guide you on your implementation path. They’re structured in clearly numbered folders, so that you know where to start, and – after each document is completed – where to go next.
We’ve done 80% of the work a consultant would charge you for. Anything that can be prefilled in the documents is already done, and the remaining adaptation you need to do is clearly marked with comments and instructions.
Simply move through the documents, filling in the specifics for your practice. We have even added some instructions on what to enter, to help you move through the implementation as efficiently as possible.
Completing some parts of a document might be a challenge for you if you’ve never done this before. In these cases, we’ve added detailed instructions and, where needed, links to articles and video tutorials that will help you understand and complete these sections.
Most companies have a specific design and structure for their official documents. There’s header information, confidentiality level, even prescribed graphic design and fonts. All of our documents are fully customisable, so that you can make them look just the way they should.
We are on hand with live online support to answer any difficult questions – we can set up a call via Skype, over the telephone, or through any other method convenient for you; or, we can answer your questions via email – whatever suits you best.
Our GoPixel POPIA Compliance Framework Documentation Toolkit has been improved every year since 2014 (that is for the last 7 years)
- You really can implement POPIA by yourself.
- All you need is GO PIXEL’s POPIA COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORK DOCUMENTATION TOOLKIT, along with included guidance and support. Our toolkit were developed for ease of use and to be understandable, with no expert knowledge required.
- We eliminate the stress and headache that can come with doing it yourself, and you’ll eliminate the huge price tag that comes with a consultant.
- We’ve calculated your savings, and we estimate that you will save over 90% compared to the cost of a consultant.
- We will meet with you regularly – will tell you where to start, what the next steps are, and how to resolve any issues you may face. You can meet via email, subscribe to our newsletter or through any other means at your convenience.
- Reach out to us at any time during your implementation project with unlimited email support, and have your questions answered by us within 24 hours.
- Once you complete your documents, let us review them – we’ll provide you with feedback and indicate what needs to be improved.
Webinar 1: POPIA Awareness Part 1 – online training sessions – 60 minute
Webinar 2: POPIA Awareness Part 2 – online training sessions – 60 minute
So what does Version 7 have that its predecessor didn’t?
More Structure
One of the comments we had about previous versions was the shock factor experienced when opening the folder to find so many documents in one list. It was too much work to locate the right document at times and we don’t like to make you work. So we’ve grouped the documents into a (hopefully) coherent folder structure, organised by area of the Privacy Management Compliance Framework as follows:
- _POPIA Compliance Statement
- 00_Document Management
- 01_Preparations for the Project
- 02_Implement & Maintain a Governance & Leadership Structure
- 03_Implement & Maintain Training and Awareness Program
- 04_Create & Maintain Personal Information Inventory
- 05_Create & Maintain Policies & Procedures
- 06_Managing Data Subject Rights
- 07_ Manage Information Security Risk during Communication and Transmission
- 08_ Managing Third Party Compliance
- 09_Managing Direct Marketing
- 10_Implement & Maintain Security Incident Procedures
- 11_Legislation, Regulations and Information Regulator Guidelines
- 12_Checklists & Guidelines
We hope you’ll agree that this makes it easier to find the right document at the right time. Because of the change, we’ve had to renumber all of the documents.
More Documents
We’ve introduced new documents and forms in a number of key areas to help as you get further into your POPIA compliance preparations. E
More Focus
We appreciate that, at the moment at least, many of our customers have to concentrate entirely on the needs of POPIA compliance, and that wider information security considerations can be a distraction. To simplify the toolkit and provide more focus we have for example removed the “Privacy Management Workbook”.
More Usability
We’ve added comments to most of the forms within the Toolkit, so that a simple mouse hover can help to clarify what information needs to entered in any particular column. And some of the sections in procedure documents that were causing people to scratch their heads have been removed.
More Accuracy
There were a few areas in the Toolkit that didn’t have quite the right emphasis, so we’ve corrected that.
More Content
Many documents have been updated, often with more content to illustrate what’s required.
In Conclusion
Like you, we’ve been busy, and we hope that the changes we’ve made will help you to become POPIA compliant as quickly as possible and without any unnecessary effort or confusion.
This update is part of our schedule of regular maintenance and enhancement aimed at making our toolkits as useful to the customer as we can.
Feedback is very important to us so please keep it coming!
Frequently Asked Questions
We get asked numerous questions about the Go Pixel POPIA Compliance Documentation Toolkit, and while we can’t list them all here, we can certainly answer the ones that come up more often than others. If your question isn’t answered, just get in touch with us by submitting an enquiry form. We will do our very best to respond to you within 24 hours.
Our toolkit consists of items created using Microsoft Office and delivered in 2010 format so that they can be opened and edited by Microsoft Office 2010 and later. Most templates are Word documents but there are also Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations within the toolkit.
Once your order is submitted and accepted you will also receive an email confirming your order and the fact that you will be able to download your product the moment we can confirm payment was received. You wil then receive an email that contains a link to a secure site where you will be able to download later if you choose to. Each product consists of a zip file containing the full set of document templates. This means you will need a copy of Winzip or similar to access them. A free evaluation copy of Winzip is available from www.winzip.com. Once downloaded, just unzip the file and your toolkit will be available for you to get started.
Anything! The whole idea of the document toolkit is that you make it your own. So if you want to change the layout, go ahead. If you want to add sections or take them out, no problem. If you want to copy the content and insert it into your own document then that’s fine too. The documents are not locked down in any way so there are no restrictions on what you can do with them.
The toolkit will save you time because the documents you need to comply with the standard are already created and populated with meaningful content that is relevant to most organisations. So you have a huge head start compared to beginning with a blank page and a copy of the standard. Also, because the format of the documents and spreadsheets you will need to complete is already defined, you can concentrate on getting the contents exactly right for you without worrying too much about the structure.
I am constantly refining and updating the templates based on feedback from customers and as part of our work as a qualified legal consultant. In order to keep the update process as manageable as possible for us and our customers, I generally issue an update package once a year, together with details of what has been updated within the toolkit. I will inform you by email when an update is available.
Other POPIA / PAIA Compliance Services
POPIA Advisory Services
Go Pixel (Pty) Ltd offer an impartial Advisory Service to organisations in Large, Medium and Small Organisations seeking expert guidance to ensure their organisations comply with the POPIA legislation. These retained advisory services are available to any organisation. We specialize in legal compliance and is able to make clear recommendations for achieving your future compliance goals. Please contact us for more information.
Privacy Awareness Training
At Go Pixel we think one of the most important elements of your privacy compliance journey will be training you biggest assets, your staff. As we all know fines from the Information Regulator will be a result of a data breaches. Cyber-attacks are a potential risk, the majority of data breaches will occur due to human error. We regularly run POPIA training courses and also provide inhouse training, specifically tailored for your organisation.